Feelgood Chiropractor
Call Us Now : 03 5996 6510
Who is suitable?
There are no age restriction with Acupuncture and Chiropractic care. It is suitable for all ages, babies, children, adults and elderly. Chiropractic is also suitable for pregnant women, brick layers, concreters, plumbers, office workers, hairdressers, students, sport players and athletes.
Chiropractic is safe, simple and very effective.
We are more than a pain specialist, we are here to make you feel better as well as that we are also here to give you a second opinion.
We are cover by most private health insurance, medicare scheme, TAC, Worksafe and DVA.
What to expect on ​the first visit?
The aim of the first visit is get to know your Chiropractor as well as to gather enough information to determine if chiropractic can help you.
A thorough history and examination will be conducted, this includes physical, orthopedic, neurological, postural examination and sometimes x-ray will be requested.
After all the history and examination were carried out, Dr Sai Chen will come up with the most suitable treatment plan tailored to you.
Because you are unique in your own way, therefore the treatment tailored to you is only for you.

Why patient loves us is because we spend time with the patient and we take time to listen to the patient.
value. ​quality care. convenience.